Everything Communicates®

Every report, sign, ad, website, brochure, and package with your company’s brand leaves an indelible impression on your audience. This must be consistent and positive — every time.

Strategic Positioning & Criteria Development

Analytical thinking, based on real-world criteria, creates client-specific positioning which is my basis for successful strategic communications design. This proven method translates into increased visibility, sales, trades, and awareness.

Strategic Direction

I concur with the words of Lewis Carroll, ‘When you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there.’ One must have a solid path to assure success.

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Audience-Targeted, Positive Impression

By carefully identifying and targeting client audiences, my services ensure a positive response in the intended marketplace.

Invest in Value

When you have important business requirements to fulfill, turn to experienced, cost-effective, dependable, and industry-proven design firms and consultants.

Success Delivered

The consistently positive results derived from my services make TaitDesign® a valued resource for many companies and organizations.

Dedication to Success

As principal and creative director of TaitDesign®, I am dedicated to the success of my customers. I listen to their goals and concerns, and then create, produce and deliver the proper tools to affect their market audiences.

Bank on Experience

When you call upon my aesthetic and design principles, you’re banking on years of professional industry experience and disciplines.

Hands-On Reliability

TaitDesign® is a reliable resource built on my hands-on expertise and reputation for delivering clean and crisp, professional design services.

Digital, Printing, Writing & Editing, Photography, Illustration

Although TaitDesign® provides personal consultation and services, I also take a team approach to providing solutions when needed. I only work with those who are valued, proven, and trusted in their individual professions.

Challenge = Solution

I provide visual solutions to both simple and complex business challenges. Let’s begin a dialogue to discuss what I can do to fulfill your business goals.

Award-Winning Service

My foremost concern is the success of my customers. However, I also appreciate the recognition of professional peers. I am pleased to have been honored with many design awards over the years for my work in solving business challenges.

Of course, my favorites are not the awards at all. They are handwritten letters of thanks from customers.